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Amethyst is the birthstone of February. It is the most highly valued stone in the quartz group. Amethyst is often associated with bringing luck, ensures constancy, and stability. Here are some details of it:
- Color: Violet, pale red-violet
- Hardness: 7 Mohs
- Specific Gravity: 2.63 - 2.65
- Refractive Index: 1.544 - 1.553
You will most probably recognize amethyst from its beautiful purple color. But the gemstone color actually can range from a pale red violet to a deep purple that looks like blue or red. Some amethyst may lose some color in daylight.
Amethyst can be found in every corner of our earth. As mentioned earlier, it is composed of quartz, which is the second most abundant material in the earth's crust. While they can be found anywhere, the most important deposits are in Brazil, Uruguay and the Malagasy Republic.
How to Buy Amethyst
When looking to purchase amethyst, here are some suggested steps:
- First, visit a jeweler who is trusted and reputable to ensure that you get the best information about the gemstone.
- Second, check the color. A bright deep purple color is most desirable. Avoid white stripes or layers of color, brownish or rust colored tints. Too deep a purple will make the stone look black in certain light condition.
- Third, look at the clarity. Visible inclusions will reduce the value of the amethyst.
Since amethyst is relatively abundant, the price usually is inexpensive.
Visit our store at 170 Thapae Road, Chiang Mai to view some beautiful and top quality amethysts.