Blue Zircon
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Naturally beautiful Blue Zircon
If you are looking for blue zircon online you can shop for them at Shiraz Jewelry. In this article, we are going to discuss what is blue zircon, where it comes from, and where to get good blue zircon jewelry. Blue zircon is popularly used in jewelry due to its beautiful color. It has a Mohs scale rating of 6.5-7.

The Source
The primary source of blue zircon is Cambodia and Thailand. The stone's original colors are reddish-brown to yellowish-brown, found as water-worn pebbles. Bangkok in Thailand is the cutting and heating center for zircon, and as Shiraz Jewelry is based in Chiang Mai - about 800km north of Bangkok - we get the chance to get them firsthand at the best price. Low and medium-quality zircon is found in Sri Lanka according to reports.
The Color
Blue zircon is a gemstone that can be found in different shades of the color blue. The beautiful and striking quality of blue zircon is its intense double refraction.
Natural Color of Zircon
The stone itself occurs naturally in the form of colorless, brownish or golden-colored pebbles.
Blue Zircon As The Result of Heating
The pebbles are heated in ovens, often for a few rounds to achieve the desired color. This treatment will cause the zircon to turn blue, golden-yellow, and colorless zircon.

The Price
The price of blue zircon is ranging from THB 300 per carat to THB 4,000 per carat. In the current exchange rate that would be about US$8 to US$117 per carat. Good quality blue zircon with a larger size typically could cost more than the price range above. The price of blue zircon is a very important factor to consider when you are planning to buy one. If you want a large blue zircon ring or pendant, you may need to spend more than US$100 per carat.
Our selection of Blue Zircon, with its breathtaking brilliance and striking color, varies in shades from bluish-purple to sky blue. Accept no imitations and opt for quality by choosing our gems as your zircon jewelry set.
Wear blue zircon jewelry and you'll have a great necklace or ring. You can find them at the best price here.